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Ecuador, Italy, Baltimore, Podcast Bethany O'Camb Ecuador, Italy, Baltimore, Podcast Bethany O'Camb

Your Guide to "The Living & Learning Podcast"

Season 2 of the Living & Learning Podcast was created to be a helpful resource for students considering the life-changing opportunity of studying abroad.We want to make it easy for you to find the perfect alumni story to answer your questions and give you some insight into the real life experiences of our study abroad and study away alumni!

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Staff, Career, Faith Bethany O'Camb Staff, Career, Faith Bethany O'Camb

From Studying Abroad to Landing Your Dream Career

L&LI Alumni have a diverse range of experiences and stories, but we often hear from our students that they learned something about themselves during their time abroad that impacted the trajectory of their academic or professional careers. It all starts with saying yes to a study abroad and diving into the experience. 

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Internship, Ecuador, Faith Bethany O'Camb Internship, Ecuador, Faith Bethany O'Camb

Light In the Darkness

Light in the Darkness is an organization that works with kids and families who are at risk of human trafficking, experiencing food insecurity due to immigration status, and numerous other factors that could lead to incomplete education and cyclical barriers.

Living & Learning partners with Light in the Darkness for internship placements.

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Bethany O'Camb Bethany O'Camb

Introducing the Living & Learning London Program

Living & Learning International (L&LI), in partnership with Biola University, is proud to introduce Living & Learning London, our fourth semester program location. This program is for North American university students who wish to experience the signature pieces of all L&LI programs–excellent academics, community engagement, and Christian discipleship–in a familiar yet international context. 

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Bethany O'Camb Bethany O'Camb

Introducing the Living & Learning East Coast Program

Living & Learning International, in collaboration with Baltimore Urban Studies (BUS), is proud to introduce Living & Learning East Coast, a programmatic expansion for our students to engage Philadelphia, New York City, and Washington, D.C. through internships and experiential learning.

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Italy, Alumni, Podcast Bethany O'Camb Italy, Alumni, Podcast Bethany O'Camb

When the Lord Opens Doors, Walk Through Them Confidently

Carlos, a Southeastern University alum, traveled to Europe for the first time to spend a semester in Rome, Italy and spoiler alert … he loved it. From venturing to Greece, Malta, Spain, and more to connecting with locals over coffee culture and playing a lot of soccer, his advice to anyone thinking about a semester abroad is “Just do it!”

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Student, Ecuador, Alumni, Podcast Bethany O'Camb Student, Ecuador, Alumni, Podcast Bethany O'Camb

The Impact of Community-Living on Your Study Abroad Experience

After spending a semester in Ecuador in Spring 2018, Regan Beck was deeply impacted by the support of her resident coordinators, the Living and Learning staff, and the experience of living in Christian community. After completing her degree, Regan then joined the staff as an RC with Living and Learning in Ecuador. Later, she moved to Arizona and worked as a Resident Director at Grand Canyon University then moved to her home state, Indiana, where she now serves as a Student Life Director.

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summer internship, Student, Italy Bethany O'Camb summer internship, Student, Italy Bethany O'Camb

Micromuseums and Music Festivals

Jinamai Joseph is a student at Southeastern University studying Accounting with a minor in Data Analytics and Information Systems. For eight weeks, Jinamai got to live in a neighborhood of Rome called Pigneto and intern with People's University of Torpignattara. In her role, she focused on marketing the Torpignattara neighborhood, encouraging visitors and tourists to experience more than just the recognizable Centro Storico (historic downtown of Rome) and dive deeper into the rich culture that exists throughout the city in areas like Torpignattara. 

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Italy, Student Bethany O'Camb Italy, Student Bethany O'Camb

Take it all in – A Semester in Rome

Macy Guest is a business marketing student at Southeastern University who studied abroad with Living and Learning in Italy in the spring of 2024. She’s passionate about traveling, experiencing new cultures to expand my worldview, running, and hiking. Macy shares about her time in Rome and how she was able to take it all in.

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Ecuador, Experiential Tours Bethany O'Camb Ecuador, Experiential Tours Bethany O'Camb

Experiential Tour - Ecuador Engineering Trip

In March of 2024, a group of 12 engineering students and two engineering faculty from Anderson University traveled to Misahaullí, Ecuador to partner with Jungle Kids for Christ on their Antioch Christian Academy (ACA) campus to develop a backup water supply system.

This trip provided students with an amazing opportunity to apply engineering processes and tools to a real-world project, work with external clients, and grow in cross-cultural understanding. Most importantly, students were able to glorify God in their work and to be the hands and feet of Jesus as they loved their neighbor as themselves.

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