
Living & Learning International has a bold academic vision that is unique in the world of international education. Our desire is to offer academic programs of the highest quality, based on a platform of distinctly Christian education. Partner institutions can be assured that all L&LI programs are academically rigorous and employ best practices and documented standards of assessment and evaluation of student learning outcomes, which are available upon request.

Schools of Record

Ecuador and Italy Programs: College of the Ozarks

College of the Ozarks partners with Living & Learning Study Abroad to serve as our Academic Sponsor. This relationship affords Living and Learning the academic oversight necessary for its initiatives while enjoying College of Ozark’s ongoing involvement, assessments, evaluation, and accountability.   

College of the Ozarks’ goal is to provide a sound education, based on the liberal arts. They desire to promote a strong work ethic, encouraging the development of good character and values as well as fostering the Christian faith through the integration of faith with learning, living, and service. Ranked in 2017 as one of the top baccalaureate colleges in the Midwest by U.S. News & World Report, College of the Ozarks is an accredited liberal arts college offering over 25 programs of study. Students acquire invaluable knowledge from dedicated professors who integrate a Christian worldview into the curriculum. Students are encouraged to evaluate their lives in relationship to God, to others, and to all of creation. 

With College of the Ozarks as our School of Record, you can be assured that all Living and Learning programs will be trustworthy and excellent in terms of their curricula, faculty qualifications, contact hours, study and research expectations, grading, and overall academic administration.

London Programs: Biola University

Biola University partners with Living & Learning Study Abroad to serve as our Academic Sponsor. This relationship affords Living and Learning the opportunity to provide student life to participating individuals while receiving accredited courses by Biola through the University of Roehampton. in partnership oversight necessary for its initiatives while enjoying College of Ozark’s ongoing involvement, assessments, evaluation, and accountability.   

With Biola University as our School of Record, you can be assured that the London location is trustworthy and excellent in terms of curricula, faculty qualifications, contact hours, study and research expectations, grading, and overall academic administration.

East Coast Program: Messiah University

The leadership and staff of Living & Learning are committed to academically rigorous curricula. We offer academic programs of the highest quality with collaborative and specialized instruction by credentialed faculty from institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, Howard University, University of Maryland, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Morgan State University, and other prominent institutions of higher education. The curriculum of our programs is Christ-centered with targeted cognitive, psychosocial, and affective learning outcomes.

On August 6, 2021, the Messiah University offices of the Provost, President, Dean of Health Science, and a committee of faculty voted to become the "School of Record" for our domestics program in Baltimore. This decision provides regional and national accreditation of our course offerings and allows students from any college and university in the United States to earn transfer of credit through a transcript from Messiah University after completing our programs.

Messiah University is committed to playing a critical role in the academic oversight of Living & Learning City Programs.

 Standards of Good Practice

We are committed to all Living and Learning programs adhering to the recognized standards of best practices in the field of study abroad.

All programs will be regularly assessed based on the Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad, developed by the Forum on Education Abroad. The Forum is recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for the field of education abroad.

These standards include baseline expectations regarding academic integrity, learning environments, health and safety, student learning and development, student conduct and advising, and student learning and development.