Debunking the Myth: "It's Unsafe to Study Abroad"

Sometimes it can be intimidating to spend time in a place you've never been before. Whether you're concerned about not knowing the language or nervous to learn how to navigate a new city, Living & Learning Programs are designed to provide students with an opportunity to study abroad and feel confident and supported in a new place!

How Will I Get Acclimated to a New City?

Quito City tour

Quito City Tour

You land in a new city, move into your room, and you're preparing to start classes in a few days but ... this is a new place! Don't worry, each Living & Learning program kicks off with a few days of orientation where you'll learn everything from how to get around, details about your housing, where the closest grocery stores are, and so much more. By the time you're in your seat for that first class of the semester, you'll be shocked that you arrived only a few days ago! Our orientation days are also known for great cultural meals, city tours, and exciting activities.

Where Will I Live?

Rome Convent

Something we value deeply is that each of our programs provide housing for our students to not only live in a safe and comfortable place, but to also live alongside your fellow students in Christian community. In Quito, Ecuador, our students live together in a few apartments in the same neighborhood. Our programs in Rome, Italy and Baltimore, Maryland are both housed in convent buildings where students will live with their roommates with easy walking and public transportation access to the lively areas of the city. Students in London live together on the University of Roehampton campus where they also take classes.

I'm Not Used to Public Transportation...

Rome Public Transportation

Never taken public transportation? No problem! During orientation, your resident coordinators will teach you how to use local public transportation — whether it's learning the best bus or metro route or simply guiding you how to get around on foot, you'll probably become a pro at getting around your neighborhood and city pretty quickly.

What About Safety Tips?

East Coast Students

At your orientation, you'll learn specific safety tips about your area. Some simple things to keep in mind when you're traveling to a new place are to be alert and aware of your surroundings, identify the landmarks that help you get from place to place on your regular route, know the address of your housing, and if you're ever feeling like you're not sure how to get where you're going — grab a buddy and explore together until you're more comfortable!


A Look Into Experiential Tours


The Christian Study Abroad Podcast