Living & Learning Podcasts
Living & Learning Podcast
For perspective students, parents, and alumni
The Living & Learning Podcast is where you can listen to alumni share their stories. You’ll hear about life-long friendships made during a semester in Ecuador, skills learned during an internship in Italy, or how to make paper out of elephant poo on a faculty-led tour in Thailand. These stories and more are shared to help others understand how a going outside your exploring outside your comfort zone in Christian community can have an incredible impact on all aspects of your life.

Christian Study Abroad Podcast
For professionals working the field of study abroad
The Christian Study Abroad Podcast and the Christian Study Abroad Conference together seek to connect professionals working in the field of global education.
This podcast is for those working in study abroad at Christian colleges and universities. We'll interview faculty and staff at a variety of institutions. Learn about their professional journey to arrive in their role and how study abroad is structured at their institution.
Along the way, you'll gain insight and inspiration for integrating Christian perspective into global education. Check out all our episodes here!