Quito, Ecuador
Why Ecuador?
This semester abroad opportunity is based in Quito, the nation's capital. Quito, Ecuador has amazing weather and is famous for its eternal springtime conditions. The city offers rich history, architecture, friendly people, and safe living conditions in which to grow and learn. Living and Learning International in Quito is part of a 25-year-old organization called Youth World. We offer an amazing mixture of adventure, academic excellence, culture, practical experience, language, mission, and integrated living as you participate in this semester abroad program.
Along with receiving up to 18 units of college credit, you will live, learn, and grow academically, experientially, and spiritually. Enjoy rich interaction with teachers, faculty, and ministry site hosts in both a classroom setting and one-on-one meetings. Not only will you earn college credit, but you’ll also be able to participate in an internship related to you major. We believe this unique opportunity and community setting will lend itself to lifelong impact in all aspects of life.
What People Are Saying

Want to hear a student’s perspective?
Our Student Ambassadors are alumni of our programs and would love to share about their experiences! From budget tips to housing experiences, our Student Ambassadors are here to share it all.

Cultural Activities & Engagement
Study abroad with us and be immersed in culture, ministry, and learning.
Class Trips
Tour one Neo-Gothic and one Baroque-style church in Colonial Quito (Experiential Outing)
Visit the Presidential Palace
Day Trips
Orientation Session(s) at a Retreat Facility and/or City Park
Equator Visit & Zip-lining in the Cloud Forest
Hike Rucu Volcano with a summit of 15,696 feet
Explore Otavalo Market (largest open-air market in South America)
Hike to the Refuge of the Cotopaxi Volcano (15,748 feet)
Multi-Day Excursions
5-day service trip to the Amazon jungle of Ecuador
5-day trip to the mountain adventure town of Baños (Swing at the End of the World)
5-day trip to the Galápagos Islands (Santa Cruz)
4-day trip to the Coast of Ecuador for Debrief
All things academics, excursions, student life, and more!
Dates are subject to change.
Jan 7- Students Arrive
Jan 8-12 - Orientation
Jan 13 - Classes Begin
Jan 16 - Internships Begin
Jan 18 - Mitad del Mundo
Feb 1 - Quilotoa
Feb 8 - Homestays Begin
Feb 19-23 - The Amazon Jungle Excursion
March 7 - Homestays End
March 15 - Pichincha
March 19 - Cotopaxi Excursion
April 7-11 - Finals Week
April 12-16 - Galápagos Islands Excursion
April 19-23 - Baños Excursion
April 26-29 - Beach Debrief
May 2 - Semester Ends and Students Depart
Aug 18 - Students Arrive
Aug 19-23 - Orientation
Aug 25 - Classes Begin
Aug 30 - Mitad del Mundo
Sept 1 - Internships Begin
Sept 7 - Pichincha
Sept 15 - Quilotoa
Sept 20 - Homestays Begin
Oct 1-Oct 5 - The Amazon Jungle
Oct 17 - Homestays End
Nov 8-9 - Otavalo/Cotopaxi
Nov 17-21 - Finals Week
Nov 22-26 - Galápagos Islands
Nov 29-Dec 3 - Baños
Dec 6-9 - Beach Debrief
Dec 12 - Semester Ends/Students Depart
Interdisciplinary Track Course Offerings
Whatever your major, you’ll learn from qualified and Christian professors during your semester abroad.
This course provides an overview of the history, art, and culture of Ecuador, along with the relationship between various factors. The course includes guest speakers from local organizations and visits to community groups, along with lectures and readings. The one-unit seminar is required for all students. Completing the course for three units is an elective.
An integrative cross-cultural experience is designed to help the student understand and form his or her Christian worldview, cross-cultural engagement, and understanding of diverse social and cultural contexts. A 1-hour per week course requires the attendance of all students. The goal and emphasis of this course are to provide students with a set of tools to utilize in interacting with people in work, community, or educational settings. Community development interventions in this course are understood as activities to facilitate, strengthen, and improve less-advantaged communities, empower residents to define and participate in the development process, and interact in larger social, political, and economic systems on behalf of the community. As part of this course, all students complete a local internship. This course can be taken for one or three credits. Students may request to take the course for more units if needed but must receive approval from L&LI.
See List
Required Courses
In this course, students will develop an appreciation of and the ability to think critically about art and how it relates to culture. Students will be provided with the tools to understand, analyze, and discuss works of visual art and material culture. This course is designed for non-Art majors and is an introduction to the history, analysis, and criticism of art through the exploration of works of Ecuadorian artists, architects and artisans. The elements of art and design will be studied to develop a more robust appreciation and enjoyment of art through interactive art exercises no matter the skill level. The goal is that art is living and continually shapes the visual culture surrounding us. Documentation of art analysis will be through writing and visual means. The greater context will integrate faith to a life of worship through a biblical worldview framework.
An introductory course designed to provide a broad survey of biological principles and is primarily designed to provide meaningful and adequate exposure to biology for the non-science major. It will also help to prepare students for further study in the biological sciences. Because Ecuador is rich in biodiversity, it is an ideal place to survey biological principles. These principles will include the nature of science, discussion of origins, ecology, cell biology, genetics, zoology, and human anatomy, as well as an overview of their effects on daily life. While there is no laboratory class required for this course, a hands-on lab component and field experience will be included.
This course is designed to examine the principles and practices of communicating from one culture to another. The focus for the course lies in differing perceptions, ways of thinking, values, non-verbal expressions, language expression, and subgroups within a culture as they relate to the media and the message. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to discuss strategies for practical application that will address these issues and integrate Christian values.
This course will examine the dynamics of personal development in student'’ lives, focusing on spiritual growth. Biblical principles that govern the character and conduct of Christians will be addressed. Students will employ analytical tools and reflection skills to develop greater self-awareness. From this foundation, they will explore the process of spiritual formation and establish an initial life plan for the regular practice of spiritual disciplines.
The goal of this course is to understand the nature of a worldview and the function of faith and reason in developing a worldview. To define and analyze eight basic worldviews (Christian theism, deism, naturalism, nihilism, existentialism, Eastern pantheism, New Age spirituality and postmodernism). To explore and critique six major world religious traditions: Judaism, Christianity, Taoism & Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. To offer an internal critique of each worldview and an evaluation from the standpoint of historic Christianity.
Social Entrepreneurship is an emerging and rapidly changing business field that examines the practice of identifying, starting, and growing successful mission-driven for-profit or nonprofit ventures, that is, organizations that strive to advance social change through innovative solutions. This course is designed to provide a socially relevant academic experience in order to help students gain in-depth insights into economic and social value creation across sectors including social justice, poverty alleviation, energy, health, and sustainability. Through case studies, lectures, and classroom dialogue, students will learn to think strategically and act opportunistically with a socially-conscious business mindset. Topics will include problem/opportunity assessment, acquiring the necessary resources to grow a social enterprise, including leadership and management styles, and the tradeoffs between social and financial returns on investment. Students will also gain exposure to various social organizational models that are making tangible and potentially scalable progress in serving the poor.
General Studies
Students will begin to develop the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish while learning about Spanish-speaking cultures, in particular Ecuadorian culture. The focus in class will be the application of grammar principles in daily communicative situations. In other words, grammar explanations will not be the focus of class lessons. You are expected to read and study grammar explanations in the textbook prior to coming to class, pay close attention to the material presented in class, and then to review any unclear points on your own at home.
Students will begin to develop the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish while learning about Spanish-speaking cultures, in particular Ecuadorian culture, building on concepts that were mastered in Spanish 101.
Students will continue to develop the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish while learning about Spanish-speaking cultures, in particular Ecuadorian culture. Spanish 201 will be taught in a communicative manner. This approach to language instruction has proven to be highly successful for adult learners. Therefore, the class will be conducted in Spanish, using language in a communicative way through listening and speaking.
Spanish 202/250 is a 3-credit reading, writing and intermediate to advanced grammar course. In order to increase fluency and grammar accuracy in Spanish, we will utilize authentic readings and student experience outside of the classroom as they interact with people and cultures in Quito. This course will teach reading strategies and provide advanced reading practice in a variety of genres which will introduce them to literature in Spanish, increase vocabulary to a more advanced level and prepare students for higher-level Spanish classes. Students will be assigned activities in all four modalities: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with a focus on analyzing readings. Readings will be from different genres, which will then be the basis for writing and conversation tasks. We will review and learn new major grammar principles and build on those concepts to more advanced structures.
This course is a 3-credit conversation and advanced grammar course. In order to increase fluency and grammar accuracy in Spanish, we will utilize student experience outside of the classroom as they interact with people and cultures in Quito. Students will be assigned activities in all four language modalities: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Assignments will be both formal and informal. We will review major grammar principles and build on those concepts to more advanced structures.
This course is a 3-credit advanced composition course. In order to increase fluency and grammar accuracy in Spanish, we will utilize experience outside of the classroom as they interact with people and cultures in Quito. Students will be assigned activities in all four language modalities: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Readings will be from different genres, which will then be the basis for composition tasks. Assignments will be both formal and informal. We will review major grammar principles and build on those concepts to more advanced structures in both speaking and writing.
Este curso es de nivel avanzado y combina la investigación, la redacción, y el debate a través de temas importantes y complejas presentadas desde la perspectiva ecuatoriana tanto para desarrollar y mejorar el idioma y profundizar el conocimiento histórico y cultural del Ecuador. A la vez, el estudiante tiene el desafío de integrar la fe y la cosmovisión bíblica al considerar estos temas importantes.
This course provides an overview of the history, art, and culture of Ecuador, along with the relationship between various factors. The course includes guest speakers from local organizations and visits to community groups, along with lectures and readings.
El curso trata de forma general los aspectos literarios y culturales de américa latina. La literatura latinoamericana fue galardonada por cinco oportunidades con el premio Nobel de Literatura. Se conocerán los aspectos principales de las obras literarias de esos autores representativas de nuestra cultura y desarrollemos lecturas seleccionadas para trabajar con ellas. Este curso afirma conocimientos gramaticales avanzados del idioma español. Los estudiantes conocerán modismos y frases idiomáticas propias del idioma español. A través de los temas de cultural ecuatoriana los estudiantes podrán entender algunos aspectos de la variedad de la cultura y de esta forma relacionarse cómodamente con los ecuatorianos.
Spanish Courses
*You are required to enroll in at least one Spanish class. During onboarding, there will be an initial placement testing where you are placed in classes that will correspond to your level of proficiency. Courses will introduce you to the sounds and structure of the Spanish language through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Courses will provide the basis to understand and communicate Spanish effectively.
Are you studying, Social Work, Spanish, or Education?
We have a specific track for you!
All majors are welcome to join us in Ecuador, but we know that some of you need to fulfill certain requirements for your major. That’s why we’ve created three unique tracks that meet those specific requirements. Check them out below!
Social Work
Complete your Junior or Senior Field Placement hours in an international context and deepen your understanding of cross-cultural social work.
Immerse yourself in the Spanish language by living with host families for the full duration of the program and taking 12-18 credits of upper-division Spanish courses.
Earn your student teaching hours abroad. Gain hands-on experience teaching in an International setting.
Connect with your education department to see if this could work for you.

Host Families & Student Life
L&LI emphasizes growth and development in community. We are committed to providing a program that nurtures the integration of the whole person: intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The students' community will include peers, faculty, staff, homestay families, guests, visitors, and numerous other people.
Students will spend one month of the program living with an Ecuadorian homestay family. This time is one of the most rewarding aspects of the semester. We call them "homestay" because when you participate in this program, you are not only renting a room in somebody's house, you are being welcomed into their home as if you were a member of the family.
Our semester program includes a built-in internship opportunity where students will participate in 120-180 hours of internship work in the Quito community. The course accompanied by the internship provides a seminar-based model of learning for students to process and gain constructive learning through academic readings, seminar discussions, and reflective writing assignments to be applied to their individualized internship experiences.
Pan de Vida is a nonprofit that gathers the resources needed to help those who are less fortunate to fully live out their God-given potential.
Escuela Numa is a public K-12 school. Its mission is to provide an exceptional education to children from lower-income backgrounds.
Casa Mis Sueños is a foundation that seeks restoration, education, and empowerment for youth & women at risk in Quito, Ecuador
Casa Adalia Is an aftercare discipleship home for young women ages 18-22 who have been rescued from desperate and vulnerable situations: sexual exploitation, abuse, domestic violence, and/or human trafficking.
La Biblia Dice is a christian international Radio ministry/ and christian app developer that seeks to share the gospel in unique and creative ways.
Examples of internship placement include:
Kriptos: is a company that specializes in designing and developing security software for different companies and individuals.
World Vision International is an Evangelical Christian humanitarian aid, development, and advocacy organization.
Waykana strives to develop indigenous farming communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest through their business of exporting Guayusa leaf.
Camp Hope is a nonprofit that helps reach the needs of the economically, physically and mentally challenged children, teens, and young adults. They strive to enable them to attain the goals of independence and social integration. They provide education, medical services, spiritual discipleship, rehabilitation and vocational training.

Summer Internships
If a semester doesn’t work with your academic calendar, join us for eight weeks over the summer and complete a full-time internship related to your major. Receive college credit and gain hands-on experience in your future career.

Program Cost
Depending on the program you select, you will need to check with your college or university for exact costs. However, in most cases, if you are a student at one of our partner schools a semester in Ecuador will not cost you more than what you are currently paying for school! If you are not currently enrolled in a college or university and would still like to attend, contact us.
Pricing Breakdown for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025:
$12,000 - Tuition
$3,000 - Room and Board
$15,000 - Total Program Cost
Cost Includes:
12-18 semester credits
All Lodging and Transportation during program events
All meals during program events (about 40% of meals during semester)
Excursion to the Galapagos
Excursion to another region of Ecuador
Mission Trip to the Amazon Jungle
Final Debrief Trip to the Coast of Ecuador
Homestay with an Ecuadorian Family
Cultural Experiences and Student Activities
Internship Experience (for credit option)
International Travel Insurance (not primary medical insurance)
Does Not Include:
Meals when not with program (about 60%)
Personal expenses like shopping, personal needs or personal travel.
How It Works
Talk to your study abroad office and share that you’re interested in this Ecuador program. L&LI partners with many Christian colleges and universities.
Reach out to us and let us know you’re interested! We’ll advise you through the application process.
If accepted, we’ll walk you through the onboarding process, explain what forms are needed, and share what to expect during your semester.
You’ll spend an incredible semester learning, exploring, earning college credit, interning in a field related to your studies, and growing in your faith.
L&LI is an accredited program that can transfer college credit back to your university to be used on your transcript. Upon completion of the semester, we’ll send your grades to your university.