Living & Learning Podcast
From the Vault
S2E16 • Best Mcdonalds in Europe?
Thomas (Liberty University) was studying studio design and had an ah-ha moment one summer that his university probably offered the perfect study abroad opportunity for him.
S2E15 • Get out there and smile
Emilia (Wheaton College) was asking the question “what am I going to do with my life?” She was feeling a little stuck when a friend told her about the L&LI semester on the East Coast, and it all clicked.
S2E6 • A Surprise Visit to Carnival in Otavalo
Nanette (Azusa Pacific) spent a semester abroad in Ecuador in 2021 and took an Experiential tour to Amsterdam in 2022.
S2E5 • Just How Much God Loves & Cares for His People
Gabriel (Azusa Pacific) has always been a people person, but on his service trip to Amsterdam, the Lord opened his eyes even more to connecting with people and being a light to others wherever he went.
Bonus Episode • Introducing the Living & Learning London Program
We are expanding to a fourth program location in London, England!
Excellent academics, community engagement, and discipleship are the signature pieces of all L&LI programs, and we’re excited to be working with Biola University as a strategic partner on this program launch. Students will have access to the massive course catalog at the historic campus of University of Roehampton in Southwest London.
S2E4 • Community & Crabcakes
Vincent and Kaeley (Dordt Univeristy) chat about Kaeley’s realization that spending a semester away was actually possible with her academic focus in Environmental Science by being a part of the Baltimore Urban Studies Program!
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