Voting from Abroad
If you plan to vote while abroad, you will need to complete a Federal Post Card Application form and send it to your Board of Elections. Interested students should visit: http://www.fvap.gov/ or contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program through email (vote@fvap.ncr.gov) or by calling 1-800-438-8683.
Important Travel Documents
You are responsible for safeguarding your passport, visas, and health documents. If you lose any of the documents or tickets, you are responsible for their replacement, including any additional costs. We recommend photocopying all important documents twice. Leave a set of copies at home and take the other set with you. It is also a good idea to scan these documents and email the electronic versions to yourself so you can access them if you lose the paper copy. During the semester, you will register your passport in the country and have an opportunity to place important documents in the program safe.
You are responsible for obtaining your own valid passport (does not expire within 6 months of your arrival date) and visa, if applicable. If you do not have a passport or if the one you have needs to be renewed, you must take care of this immediately to be able to travel and apply for a visa!
Visit your local post office/USPS for new passport and renewal information. http://iafdb.travel.state.gov also has this information.
Parent/Guardian Passports
Encourage your parent(s)/guardian(s) to check their passports to make sure they are valid, or if they do not have a passport, to apply for one. In the unlikely event of an emergency, it might be necessary for a parent or guardian to travel to your location.
International Student ID Card
L&LI does not provide students with an International Student ID Card (ISIC). ISICs offer some discounts at museums and travel destinations, as well as limited insurance coverage. For more information, go to: http://www.isic.org.
International Driver’s License
There is no need for you to obtain an international driver’s license, as public transportation systems are readily available in-country and L&LI provides transportation for program trips outside the city.
Travel, Transportation, Packing, & Money
Flights & Frequent Flyer Miles
You are responsible for being at airports or other designated points on time. Missed flights are costly; the expense involved in catching up with the group will be paid for by you, the student. Most airlines award frequent flyer miles, but obtaining them is up to you. Contacting the airline before leaving the U.S. about frequent flyer miles is an encouraged practice.
Ground Transportation
Travel within the city is normally via public transportation (taxis, trolleys and buses). It is up to you to budget wisely when choosing your transportation option if you hope to stay in the estimated budget. Transportation for scheduled group trips is coordinated and provided by L&LI (including airport pick-up and drop-off).
Do not bring personal valuables (monetary or of sentimental value) unless you are willing to guard them or lose them. Items such as audio devices and cameras are usually safe at homestays and in the apartments, but you may wish to consider how such items will be protected on trips, using public transportation, etc. L&LI provides basic travel insurance through iNext (unless your university provides your travel insurance). You will get an email with your policy coverage and a portal login. If you would like to upgrade your coverage you can do so from this portal. Please note that L&LI does not supply comprehensive property insurance. You are responsible for obtaining supplemental property insurance if you are bringing valuable items. L&LI cannot be held responsible for your property that is lost or stolen while traveling with and/or attending the program.
Community & Student Life
Disciplinary Philosophy & Process
Every student not only has rights but also responsibilities as a part of the Living and Learning International (LLI) community. The “Living Above Reproach” expectations are responsibilities for all students for the purpose of living in community together. The hope of these expectations would be that each student thoughtfully chooses how they want to develop in personhood and character, and who they are to the people they are in community with.
The study abroad experience offers a unique opportunity for this through the challenges of entering and engaging in a new community outside of a student’s normal rhythms while offering ongoing discipleship. The commitment of LLI staff will be to emphasize restoration and reconciliation over justice if expectations are broken. LLI staff will hold a vision for each student’s ongoing development as a person over any call to perfection as a means of reflecting God’s desire for his relationship with humanity.
However, at times, failure to meet those responsibilities may result in the need for formal discipline. The processes outlined here are designed to handle infractions as quickly, wisely, and fairly as possible. Throughout the entire process, the aim is to redeem impacted relationships and to move toward reconciliation by:
Understanding behavioral actions and choices
Identifying the underlying motivations and circumstances around a student’s choices.
Asking the student to recommit to the LAR expectations and any identified steps toward restoration of trust and relationship.
Encouraging students to abide by overarching biblical principles of character including:
Ownership of action
Humility to offer a genuine apology
Restoration of what was broken (trust, property, relationship),
Leading other students in their commitments to community
The program expects students to conduct themselves for the duration of their time with LLI (including semester breaks), in accordance with their commitment to the program’s as well as their university’s lifestyle expectations and may discipline or dismiss any student who, in each entity’s respective judgment, fails to do so.
Although various persons and processes are involved, the final responsibility for the student’s discipline process rests with the collaborative effort between the Director of Student Life and the Program Director. Ideally, deviations from community expectations are best handled among peers using the redemptive model found in Matthew 18:12-17. We understand this scripture to mean that individuals are called to confront one another in love as the first step in dealing with conflict. If the behavior does not change appropriately, it is the obligation of community members to enlarge the circle of confrontation. In such a case, members of the Student Life staff become involved. Any situation that is of serious consequence to the individual or the campus community may call for an immediate response by a staff member. In such cases, Resident Coordinators (RCs) will make that determination in consultation with the Director of Student Life. Most disciplinary responses are initiated by an incident report completed by a member of the Student Life staff. The incident report is routed to the Director of Student Life and then, if necessary, to the Program Director for appropriate action. Incident reports will be placed in the student’s file.
Students charged with misconduct will meet with their RC and/or other L&LI staff to determine if formal procedures are necessary. The RC may refer the student’s situation to the Director of Student Life when necessary. The Director of Student Life, in collaboration with the Program Director, will automatically respond to “significant” violations, such as the use of alcohol, drugs, or sexual misconduct. In addition, repeated violations in one semester will likely lead to the violation being handled by the Program Director. In addition, suspensions and dismissals will be reviewed by the Director of Student Life and Director. The goal of our Student Life staff is to respond promptly and wisely to any situations that arise.
In response to any disciplinary circumstance, the following factors will be taken into account: (1) a student’s history of conduct, (2) the circumstances surrounding the incident, (3) a student’s willingness to go through disciplinary steps, and (4) a student’s general response to confrontation.
LLI staff will not make a decision that affects a student’s status in the program based solely on rumors. However, LLI staff will respond directly and ask about rumors with the hope of honest conversations that challenge a student to remain in accordance with LLI program standards.
Disciplinary action
The following options for action are a part of disciplinary procedures when students have broken the provisions of the “Living Above Reproach” (outlined below) expectations and/or other violations. Other actions or variations of those listed below may be taken at the discretion of the Director of Student Life and Director. The intended outcome of these procedures is to assist a student in realigning to the community expectations and reflecting on their character development.
Meeting – Personal contact and discussion about inappropriate behavior or attitude. A first contact may take place with any member of the Student Life staff. Escalating inappropriate behaviors will result in a meeting with the Director of Student Life and/or Program Director. A meeting could result in additional asks of the student beyond what is delineated in the LAR for purposes of reestablishing trust and/or relationship.
Formal Warning – A warning statement issued when a student is in jeopardy of serious disciplinary action. This warning will be sent to the student, the Program Director, and to the student’s sending university. Every university has its own policies and behavioral standards. This formal warning is generally placed in the student’s file at their home university. As such, a student should expect to receive any follow-up or disciplinary measures in accordance with their university.
Behavioral Contract – A student is placed on contract when they are in jeopardy of suspension or dismissal from the program. Elements of the contract will be outlined in a written format. This may occur once a formal warning has already been issued by student life staff, or if a behavior is serious enough to warrant such a contract.
Suspension – A student is suspended for a specified period of time. In that case, the student is to remain in the apartment, absent from any semester activities. Class absences are inexcusable but they will be able to take major examinations missed and submit major papers.
Dismissal – A student is dismissed from the program immediately. They are required to purchase a return ticket or pay for the flight change to return home within 48 hours of dismissal.
“Elements of discipline” that may be a part of any actions:
Restitution/Reconciliation of damaged property or objects
Denial of Privileges – loss of semester opportunities or activities
LLI is committed to engaging in relationships with students whereby we choose to see the person over the “problem.” Staff will challenge students to develop them into the person and character that God has designed each of us for.
Student Conduct, Rules, & Regulations
Living Above Reproach
Traveling to another country is a wonderful opportunity to grow and learn, be challenged academically, meet new people, and to have life changing experiences. One of the challenges that students face while participating in this program is how to respond to the new opportunities that a new culture affords them. What do they do when faced with personal choices like alcohol, smoking, drugs, and new relationships? While these may or may not have been decided upon in your host culture, we realize that you will be faced with these choices again as you live in another country – it is our desire to be open and upfront in this discussion.
While we are not taking a stance on the “morality” or “right or wrong” of these choices, we do want to be clear about the expectations of you while participating in this program. We are asking that while you are enrolled in a L&LI program to completely – 100% abstain from smoking tobacco, illegal drug use, or initiating new romantic relationships with people living in your program location. Regarding alcohol, L&LI will hold students accountable to the policies of their home institution. In some L&LI programs, students will be asked to abstain from alcohol 100% regardless of their home institution’s policies. Speak with your enrollment advisor if you have more questions. Choosing to disregard these policies could result in early dismissal.
Our heart is not to take away opportunities or inhibit your time in our program. This program is part of a much bigger picture that you may or may not be aware of. We need to think in terms of the following:
#1 Your testimony as you live and interact with others. People will make decisions and assumptions of you based on your personal choices.
#2 The testimony of the L&LI program. You represent us and the program. We have a vast and rich network of relationships that we have worked hard to cultivate over the last 20 years.
#3 Messages we are intentionally or unintentionally sending to other Christians. These issues have proven divisive and difficult within the global church. We do not want to make this worse by our behavior.
#4 Your college or university; you represent them while you are in our program.
Again, it is not our heart to make a judgment or say that these particular behaviors are right or wrong. However, in the past they have proven to be issues that have caused more harm than good, more risk than reward. We are asking you while you are in a L&LI program to completely abide by the program’s drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, illegal drug use, or initiating new romantic relationships with people living in your program location policies. During orientation, additional information on “living above reproach” will be discussed.
Chapel Expectations
The purpose of chapel is to gather in the context of worship and study in order to:
Better KNOW, LOVE, and GLORIFY God;
GAIN God’s perspective on our learning; and
GROW together as a Christ-centered community so that we might serve in the world as Jesus’ disciples.
Chapel is an essential part of fulfilling L&LI’s mission of providing Christ-centered higher education and responding with an appropriate Christian worldview to the challenges of a developing country. Therefore, attendance is mandatory. Any unexcused absences (those not cleared by an L&LI staff member) may result in disciplinary action.
Local Law
Students will attend an orientation upon arrival to the country informing them of, among other topics, local laws. Ignorance of local law is no excuse for breaking it. Students are always subject to local law. When in doubt, consult L&LI staff or your home country’s embassy or consulate. Rights you are accustomed to at home may not exist in other countries. L&LI can provide only limited assistance to a student who has been arrested or detained.
High-Risk Activities
High-risk activities may have tragic consequences for individual students who do not follow instruction or protocol, as specified by L&LI, and may seriously disrupt the program. Irresponsible actions may jeopardize the reputation of the program. Activities such as hitchhiking, driving, bungee jumping, hang gliding, and white water rafting are not permitted as part of the program. High risk activities included in the program with appropriate safety precautions and guides are: ATV-ing, ziplining, canyoning, mountain hiking, and scuba diving. Student medical history and/or capacity/skillset could prevent participation.
Diversity & Discrimination
L&LI is committed to maintaining a community that is free of discrimination and harassment, and where a variety of backgrounds and perspectives enriches the experience for all. Any behavior that makes an individual feel uncomfortable deserves to be acknowledged and addressed. When possible, direct confrontation with the individual(s) whose actions are interpreted as objectionable may resolve the issue. If you feel you need further support or action, you should notify L&LI staff immediately. L&LI resources or outside expertise may be utilized to promptly address and resolve the problem. L&LI will not tolerate disrepectful actions, gestures, or speech that demeans someone because of his or her gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, age, disability, marital status, religion or any other characteristic protected by law or that of his or her relatives, friends or associates.
Sexual & Other Harassment Policy
L&LI is committed to an environment in which all people are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to live and study in an atmosphere that promotes learning opportunities and prohibits practices such as harassment. Therefore, L&LI expects that all relationships among students, staff, faculty, homestay families, internship supervisors and coworkers, and others associated with the program will be collegial and free of harassment.
L&LI encourages reporting of all perceived incidents of harassment. It is the policy of the program to investigate such reports. L&LI prohibits retaliation against any person who reports harassment or participates in an investigation of such reports.
Definitions of Harassment
Sexual harassment may include a range of subtle and not-so-subtle behaviors, and may involve individuals of the same or different gender. Depending on the circumstances these behaviors may include, but are not limited to: unwanted sexual advances or requests for sexual favors; sexual jokes and innuendos; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; commentary about an individual’s body, sexual prowess or sexual deficiencies; leering, whistling or touching; insulting or obscene comments or gestures; display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; and other physical, verbal or visual conduct of a sexual nature.
Harassment on the basis of any other protected characteristic is also strictly prohibited. Under this policy, harassment is verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward a person because of his or her gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, age, disability, marital status, religion or any other characteristic protected by law or that of his or her relatives, friends or associates, and that:
has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment;
has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance; or
otherwise adversely affects an individual’s opportunities. Harassing conduct includes, but is not limited to: epithets, slurs or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts; denigrating jokes; and written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group and that is placed on walls or elsewhere or at outlying centers, or circulated in the living space and/or learning space.
Definitions of Sexual Assault
Sexual assault may fall by definition within the scope of sexual harassment and may be subject to criminal prosecution by law enforcement authorities to which it must be referred by L&LI. Such conduct must be addressed by L&LI with any external criminal proceedings. Developing countries handle incidents differently.
Sexual assault is defined as any sexual act that is perpetrated without consent of the victim. The type of force employed may involve physical violence, coercion, or the threat of harm to any person. A victim is considered unable to consent, and therefore sexually assaulted if he or she is:
mentally incapacitated or physically helpless due to drugs or intoxicants;
cognitively impaired;
unaware that the sexual act is taking place;
under 16 years of age (except where the persons are married and the act is consensual), or under 18 years of age when the accused:
Is a parent or entrusted by law to care for the victim;
Uses a position of authority over the victim to persuade him or her to submit.
Examples of acts defined as sexual assault include forcible rape by an acquaintance or stranger, incest, and sexual abuse of minors, as well as sexual assaults that do not involve penetration.
Reporting & Assistance for Victims
Informal Procedure
If for any reason an individual does not wish to address the offender directly, or if such action does not successfully end the offensive conduct, the student should notify his or her RC, or any other L&LI staff member who may, if the student so requests, talk to the alleged offender on the student’s behalf. A student reporting harassment or retaliation should be aware, however, that L&LI may decide it is necessary to take action to address such conduct beyond an informal discussion. This decision will be discussed with the student. The best course of action in any case will depend on many factors and, therefore, the informal procedure will remain flexible. Moreover, the informal procedure is not a required first step for the reporting individual.
Formal Procedure
As noted above, students who believe they have been the victims of conduct prohibited by this policy statement or believe they have witnessed such conduct should submit a written statement of their concerns to the Director of Student Life or the Program Director. L&LI encourages the prompt reporting of complaints or concerns so that rapid and constructive action can be taken before relationships become irreparable. While no fixed reporting period has been established, early reporting and intervention have proven to be the most effective method of resolving actual or perceived incidents of harassment. Any reported allegations of harassment, discrimination or retaliation will be investigated promptly. The investigation may include individual interviews with the party(ies) involved and, where necessary, with individuals who may have observed the alleged conduct or may have other relevant knowledge. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigatory process to the extent consistent with adequate investigation and appropriate corrective action. Retaliation will not be tolerated against a student for reporting harassment or discrimination, or for participating in an investigation of a claim of harassment or discrimination, and disciplinary action will result.
Acts of retaliation should be reported immediately and will be promptly investigated and addressed. Misconduct constituting harassment, discrimination or retaliation will be dealt with appropriately. Responsive action may include training, referral to counseling and/or disciplinary action such as warning, reprimand, housing reassignment, temporary suspension or dismissal, as L&LI believes appropriate under the circumstances. If a party to a complaint does not agree with its resolution, that party may appeal to the Program Director. False and malicious complaints of harassment or retaliation as opposed to complaints, which, even if erroneous, are made in good faith, may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
L&LI aims to facilitate accessible educational experiences for students with disabilities and to serve as a resource to all members of the academic community in furthering this goal. Students with disabilities (physical, learning, or other types of disabilities) should contact the Program Director as soon as possible to discuss their needs and to obtain information about the accommodation process and possibilities. Each situation will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and every effort made to work collaboratively with qualified students to facilitate accommodation. In-country conditions and resources vary by site, and specific program locations may have limited accessibility. Students seeking accommodations are asked to provide the following:
1) A written request for specific accommodations signed by the student.
2) Current documentation of the disability provided by a qualified professional (ie: university or college disability and/or student support services).
Documentation must be in writing, signed by the evaluator, and at a minimum include the following:
Specific diagnosis of the disability
Specific evidence of the disability, including any tests or other evaluations performed and results
Impact of the disability on the person’s functioning (functioning limitations)
Recommendations for accommodations, including academic injunctions or auxiliary aids
Documentation should be recent, ideally no more than three years old. Requests for accommodations and documentation of the disability should be submitted as early as possible, no later than 30 days prior to the program start date. Additional information may be requested to assist L&LI in making a determination on reasonable accommodations.
Please send all information and inquiries to info@landli.org
Emergency Interim Suspension
If a student’s behavior constitutes endangering behavior that presents an immediate, severe, and direct threat to oneself or others (or a likelihood of harming oneself or others) or there is a presence of grievous misconduct and violation of L&LI policies, L&LI staff may direct that the student be suspended for a period not to exceed seven (school) days, pending the results of administrative proceedings or, where mental health issues are present, psychological evaluation. During that interim suspension, the student shall not be allowed to participate in program activities or utilize program resources. Alternate housing arrangements may be necessary and will be the responsibility of the student placed on suspension. Additional violations while the student is placed on interim suspension will result in immediate dismissal from the program.
Student Legal Fees
Students are expected to abide by all of the laws, policies, and procedures of the program country. In the event of a legal matter during the academic program, the student is responsible for all penalties, costs, and legal fees associated with the incident. L&LI will not be liable for the selection, hiring, or vetting of legal professionals for the student or for any legal fees incurred.