Five Reasons to do an International Internship

An internship is great for gaining hands-on experience in a field that you are interested in, but what are the benefits of doing an international internship? Students should consider doing an international internship for the following reasons:

One student in scrubs with their supervisor at an medical clinic
four students in scrubs at a medical internship
  1. Career development - An international internship can provide practical experience in a specific field or industry, helping develop skills and knowledge that can be useful in future careers. Interning International provides the opportunity to learn about that field from a different perspective and gain an understanding of how the career field operates in other countries.

  2. Cross-cultural experience - Working in a foreign country allows students to experience different cultures, customs, and working practices, developing their intercultural competence which is a valuable asset in today's globalized world.

  3. Networking opportunities - International internships provide a chance to make contacts with professionals from different backgrounds and build international networks, which can be useful for future opportunities.

  4. Language development - Living and working in a foreign country, facilitates language learning and fluency, and can be a great addition to a student's resume or CV.

  5. Personal growth - An international internship experience can allow students to develop their independence, problem-solving abilities, cultural awareness, and adaptability. These qualities are highly valuable when moving into the workforce or for further education.

Overall, an international internship provides a unique learning experience that can enhance the student's personal and professional growth, expanding their professional portfolio and mindset.

An international internship in Social Work in Quito, Ecuador hosted through Living & Learning International - A Christian Study Abroad organization.

Interested in doing an international internship?

Let us know by sending us an email!


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